Monday, May 4, 2009

California Republicans Remain among the worst

Today, Republicans have started a recall petition against Assemblyman Anthony Adams.

Assemblyman Adams was one of the three Republicans in the Assembly who was willing to put state before party and vote on the budget compromise. I'm not happy with the compromise, but it did show us which Republicans are actually willing to keep California in business.

On another note, during my last year at McGeorge, I took a seminar regarding legislation and politics. Assemblyman Adams was one of our speakers, and I found him the most candid and honest of the people we spoke to. For example, He spoke about his wife and his decision to not have children while he pursued a political career. They believed he would be asking his children to give up too much.

While I strongly disagree with his political stances, I believe he went into politics for the right reasons. And I think that integrity was demonstrated when he voted for the compromise budget.

If the California GOP won't have these kind of guys in their party, they deserve to remain a useless rump.

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