Tuesday, February 3, 2009

End the power of governors to appoint Senators

The appointment of Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) to the position of Commerce Secretary has given Gov. Lynch (D-NH) the opportunity to pick a Senator to fill out the rest of Sen. Gregg's term. He wisely, I think, chose a Republican, respecting the voters who reelected Gregg in 2004.

However, this appointment marks the 5th senate appointment since the new congress began. (The others are Colorado (Salazar), Illinois (Obama) , New York (Clinton), and Delaware (Bid
en)). 5 states are now represented by Senators that the people of the state never voted on.

It's undemocratic enough that the Senate provides states with tiny populations the same representation as states with large populations. But now there are a significant amount of Senators who have not had to face to will of their state's voters before gaining power.

Russ Feingold (D-WI) is proposing a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate the power of governors to appoint Senators, instead providing for special elections. While I don't have a whole lot of hope for it passing, because Constitutional Amendments are nearly impossible to get ratified, I really think it's a reform that both parties could get on board with. I sincerely hope it passes.

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