Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Should now be the insights of a 28 year old, liberal white guy

Today's my birthday. Also, I'll be getting out of the Army in a couple weeks. And I'll be changing my bar status to inactive.

The times they are a changing. But Norm Coleman's recount still goes on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Extra, Extra, John Edwards is scuzzy!

Politico has a quick run down on the whole John Edwards thing.

Edwards denied the affair, but Scher and other loyalists from his 2004 campaign doubted his word, made excuses and stayed out of the 2008 presidential race when Edwards launched his campaign after Christmas.

A few days later, Edwards made a partial confession to his wife, Elizabeth, of a single, regrettable encounter with Hunter. Like Scher, she asked him to drop his bid, to “protect our family from this woman, from his act,” she writes in her book.

But Edwards went ahead with the campaign — and his wife put her reluctance aside to drive his campaign forward.

John Edwards’ decision to keep running turned an ordinary, private drama into a public spectacle that consumed a presidential campaign, destroyed Edwards’ political career and dragged hundreds of staffers and thousands of supporters down in its bitter undertow.

I don't claim any particular insight, but I'm glad I listened to my gut and didn't support this guy even though he was arguably the most progressive of the serious candidates in 2008.

Monday, May 4, 2009

California Republicans Remain among the worst

Today, Republicans have started a recall petition against Assemblyman Anthony Adams.

Assemblyman Adams was one of the three Republicans in the Assembly who was willing to put state before party and vote on the budget compromise. I'm not happy with the compromise, but it did show us which Republicans are actually willing to keep California in business.

On another note, during my last year at McGeorge, I took a seminar regarding legislation and politics. Assemblyman Adams was one of our speakers, and I found him the most candid and honest of the people we spoke to. For example, He spoke about his wife and his decision to not have children while he pursued a political career. They believed he would be asking his children to give up too much.

While I strongly disagree with his political stances, I believe he went into politics for the right reasons. And I think that integrity was demonstrated when he voted for the compromise budget.

If the California GOP won't have these kind of guys in their party, they deserve to remain a useless rump.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gay marriage will cause extinction!

Via Daily Kos, this hilarious editorial against gay marriage in New Hampshire

"The human race,'' Murchison writes, "understands marriage as a compact reinforcing social survival and protection. It has always been so. It will always be so, even if every state Supreme Court pretended to declare that what isn't suddenly is. Life does not work in this manner.''

Gov. Lynch is correct when he says the civil-unions law passed last year guarantees the rights of homosexual couples. This issue is not about establishing "equal rights'' for a minority. It is about protecting the human species by recognizing and honoring that special compact.

Yes, I'm sure straight couples are going to stop having sex if gays are allowed to get married!

Hilarious comment I read today

A Sinking Ship: “Yay! We’re rat free! We have no more rats! Not a single rat on boa…glub! Glub! Glub! sputter! Glub! Glub! gasp! Not one single ra… glub! Glub! GLUB! Gurgle… gurgle….


[an eerie silence, as the waters close and become still]

Well, if nothing else...

I'm enjoying the hell out of watching Republicans crow about how losing a Senator is good for them!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to the Democrats, Arlen. Now someone Primary him

Well, it'll be good of Obama's agenda that Specter has joined the Democrats. However, in light of the fact he'll be a conservative Democrat (who can't be bothered to support unions) I hope he still gets a credible primary challenger.

Why settle for half a loaf, when we can get a real Democrat?