Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gay marriage will cause extinction!

Via Daily Kos, this hilarious editorial against gay marriage in New Hampshire

"The human race,'' Murchison writes, "understands marriage as a compact reinforcing social survival and protection. It has always been so. It will always be so, even if every state Supreme Court pretended to declare that what isn't suddenly is. Life does not work in this manner.''

Gov. Lynch is correct when he says the civil-unions law passed last year guarantees the rights of homosexual couples. This issue is not about establishing "equal rights'' for a minority. It is about protecting the human species by recognizing and honoring that special compact.

Yes, I'm sure straight couples are going to stop having sex if gays are allowed to get married!

Hilarious comment I read today

A Sinking Ship: “Yay! We’re rat free! We have no more rats! Not a single rat on boa…glub! Glub! Glub! sputter! Glub! Glub! gasp! Not one single ra… glub! Glub! GLUB! Gurgle… gurgle….


[an eerie silence, as the waters close and become still]

Well, if nothing else...

I'm enjoying the hell out of watching Republicans crow about how losing a Senator is good for them!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to the Democrats, Arlen. Now someone Primary him

Well, it'll be good of Obama's agenda that Specter has joined the Democrats. However, in light of the fact he'll be a conservative Democrat (who can't be bothered to support unions) I hope he still gets a credible primary challenger.

Why settle for half a loaf, when we can get a real Democrat?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey, fuck you, Italy!

Here's a fun court decision from Italy

World: Europe

Women in jeans 'cannot be raped'

Italy's highest court has ruled that a woman wearing jeans cannot be raped.

The Supreme Court of Appeal in Rome on Wednesday overturned a rape conviction, saying that the supposed victim must have agreed to sex because her jeans could not have been removed without her consent.

Rome Correspondent David Willey: "Ground-breaker in Italian legal annals"
A court in the southern town of Potenza had convicted a driving instructor of raping his 18-year-old pupil.

The instructor, aged 45 and identified only as Carmine, had been sentenced to 34 months' jail.

His defence had argued that the young woman - identified as Rosa - had consented to sex, a version of events which the woman strongly denied.

The Supreme Court ruled that it was impossible to remove a pair of jeans "without the collaboration of the person wearing them", and that the young woman must therefore have consented to sex.

In a judgement likely to anger women's rights organisations, the rape conviction was reversed.

Driving instructors in Italy have a reputation, deserved or undeserved, for molesting young female pupils, and the case appeared at first to be a familiar story of sexual assault on a lonely country road.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All this torture talk reminds me

That it's always fuck Don Rumsfeld O'Clock

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coleman's razor

Via Daily Kos
Whenever there are two or more possible explanations for the behavior of a Republican in 2009, the least honorable of the alternatives represents the truth.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I'm not a religious man, but I do like that religion provides an excuse for extended families to get together.

So, to my secular and religious friends, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Go Vermont!

I have to say, even though I had nothing to do with it, I'm proud to be from Vermont today. First legislature to pass marriage equality, with enough votes to override Gov. shithead's veto!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another good day for marriage equality

Iowa's supreme court found that a gay marriage ban violated the state's equal protection clause, and it's now legal for homosexuals to marry in the heartland.

Vermont's legislature has passed a bill legalizing gay marriage by wide margins. However, Gov. Douglas plans to veto it, so supports will need 5 more votes in the house of representatives to override. Hopefully they can find them, or Jim Douglas needs to be beat in 2010.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bill Kirstol seems happy with Obama

Which, unfortunately, means Obama's foreign policy is doomed to bloody failure.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

30 Republicans willing to fight against non-existent threats!

Rep. Michellle Bachmann, the wingnuttiest of the wingnuts, has found 30 co-sponsers for a consitutional amendment to prevent the US from signing on to any sort of global currency.

Not that there is, or has there ever, been a threat of us doing so, but that's not stopping these intrepid warriors for Liberty from wasting their lives.

Yes, of course Rep. Ron Paul is a co-sponser. If there is a phanton threat that plays into the fears of sexually inadequate, frustrated, white men, Dr. Gold Standard is there to slay it!

Oh, so is my fine Congressman, Tom McClintock!